Call for Nominations

Foundation Initiative: Call for Nominations to Open Council and its committees:

The Foundation initiative currently needs members to fill positions on three different Council bodies. The size of the initiative requires at least one member of the program to fill a spot on each Council body.

The councils are as follows:

  1. Steering Council: The Steering Council is responsible for guiding the overall direction of the initiative. Candidate recommendations (for nominations) for Social Finance were made in 2021.

  2. Core Working Committee (CWC): The CWCs are responsible for overseeing the project management aspects of different projects in any specific program.

Candidate recommendations for nominations for different CWCs were made.

  1. Advisory Council: The Advisory Council provides expert advice and guidance to the program and different projects in it.

A few members suggested that the Foundation should look to appoint leaders of social finance projects and global development subject matter experts and other similar initiatives in global economy to this Advisory Council.

  1. Nominations for the Steering Council, CWCs of projects, and Advisory Council in the Social Finance program have been announced to be open to all members of the Foundation since May 2021.

Members discussed that the roles will be shaped primarily depending on the capabilities of the initially nominated members to steer the initiative.

If any member is interested in getting elected to these council bodies, they are encouraged to file a nomination at the Foundation's self-governance portal.

Last updated