Community Update: Governance, Tech Stack Evaluation, and Committee Updates
This document provides an update on the community's activities, including the development of governance capabilities, evaluation of the Avalanche Foundation's tech stack, updates on the network tenancy program, and Steering Council updates.
1. Governance Capabilities
Community members are building the Foundation’s capabilities for the smart execution of the governance constitution. This is currently being self-managed by participating members through Council Votes and community consensus in Open Decision Forums.
2. Tech Stack Evaluation
Community members have been evaluating the Avalanche Foundation’s tech stack and preparing it for internal iteration and a demo walkthrough of how governance will look like using these systems.
Note: There is an ongoing debate regarding building on Proof of Work vs Proof of Stake systems.
The community is establishing a quora using Ava tooling.
A test project/use-case is resulting in an ongoing governance report that will help us converge on a governance template.
Miscellaneous tooling evaluation is also being carried out.
3. Open Constitution AI Network Program Update
Members affiliated with Serenity partners have started participating in the Foundation’s Open Governance and Openpodcasts. These are moderated by Steering and Advisory Committee members to showcase their case studies.
4. Steering Council Updates
The Steering Council is building strategic relationships with individual members affiliated with companies. They are working on innovative sustainable solutions in fintech and carbon neutrality.
The Steering Council announced an Open Call for Member Nominations to the CWC.
Last updated